แบบฝึกหัดภาษาอังกฤษป 4 หน้า 17

บรษิ ัท อักษรเจรญิ ทศั น อจท. จาํ กดั จึงรว มมือกับบริษัท Express Publishing ผลิตส่อื ฯ ชุด EXTRA and

Friends ขึ้น เพ่ือพัฒนาผูเรียนในระดับชั้นประถมศึกษา โดยมีเนื้อหาครอบคลุมตัวช้ีวัดและมาตรฐานการเรียนรู

KYE อยา งครบถวน นอกจากน้นั สอ่ื ฯ ชดุ นี้ยังประกอบไปดวยจดุ เนน สาํ คญั ดังน้ี
1. รูปแบบภาษาที่ใชในสถานการณจ ริง (realistic language patterns) เพอ่ื เตรียมพรอมผเู รียนสาํ หรับการ

สอื่ สารในชวี ติ ประจาํ วัน

2. กจิ กรรมทีห่ ลากหลายและสนกุ สนาน เนน การลงมอื ปฏบิ ตั ิ ท้ังงานประดษิ ฐ เพลง เกม และอืน่ ๆ เพือ่ ทาํ ให

บทเรียนสนุกสนานและผเู รียนจดจาํ สง่ิ ทเี่ รียนได เกดิ ความเขาใจที่คงทน

3. กจิ กรรม CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) ทใ่ี ชแนวคดิ ในการสอนเนือ้ หา

ของสาระการเรียนรูอ น่ื ผานภาษาองั กฤษ เพื่อเสรมิ ความรู และฝก ใชภ าษาในสถานการณท่ีหลากหลาย

4. การเรียนรูวัฒนธรรมของเจาของภาษาในกิจกรรม Culture Channel เนื่องจากการเรียนรูวัฒนธรรมของ

เจาของภาษา จะทาํ ใหผ ูเ รียนเขา ใจภาษามากข้นึ

5. การเรียนรูวัฒนธรรมของประเทศในกลุมประชาคมอาเซียน ในกิจกรรม Welcome to ASEAN

Countries ซึ่งนําเสนอวิถีชีวิตและวัฒนธรรมของประเทศตาง ๆ ในอาเซียน เพื่อใหผูเรียนสามารถ


คณะผจู ดั ทํามน่ั ใจวา สอื่ ฯ ชดุ EXTRA and Friends นี้จะมสี วนพฒั นาใหผเู รียนของไทยมีความสามารถใน
พุทธศักราช 2551 กําหนด รวมทั้งผูเรียนสามารถประยุกตใชภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตจริงไดอยางมีประสิทธิภาพ และมี
โอกาสใชเ ปน เครอ่ื งมือในการศึกษาตอในระดบั ที่สูงข้นึ ตอ ไป

คณะผูจดั ทํา


Welcome! 2
Module 1 The Way We Look! 14
Module 2 Something to Eat 24
Module 3 What’s the Weather Like? 34
Module 4 Hooray ุ It’s Saturday!
Module 5 My Favourite Season 44 KYE
Module 6 All About Animals
Going for CLIL (1-6) 64
Board Game 76
Story Cutouts 78
Crossword 85
Classroom Language 86

Welcome! 1 My name’s Alec.
What’s your name?
Lesson 1
2 My phone number is
1 Read and answer. 6786184.
What’s your phone number?

3 I’m 10 years old.
How old are you?

4 I can sing and I can dance.
What can you do?

KYE 1 _M__y__n_a_m__e__’s__(_ช_่อื__ต_น__เอ__ง_)_.______ 3 _I_’m___(_อ_า_ย__ุ)__y_e_a__rs__o__ld__.________
2 _M__y__p_h_o__n_e__n__u_m__b_e__r_i_s________ 4 _I__c_a_n__(_ค__ว_า_ม_ส__า_ม_า_ร_ถ__ข_อ_ง_ต__น_เ_อ_ง_).

_(_ห_ม_า_ย__เล__ข_โ_ท_ร_ศ__พั _ท__) _.___________ 4 A: What is it?

2 Read and choose. B: a) Thank you.
b) It’s a computer.
1 A: What’s in the bedroom?
5 A: Whose hat is it?
B: a) Pink.
b) A bed. B: a) It’s my dad’s.
b) He’s my dad.
2 A: Who’s John?
6 A: What can we do?
B: a) My friend.
b) It’s fantastic. B: a) I can see a park.
b) We can dance.
3 A: Where’s my book?

B: a) On the table.
b) In the table.



Lesson 2

3 Read and complete.

brother boots father bookcase play the drum
guitar watch camera bike radio
skirt sister trousers gloves jacket
kitchen bathroom garden
draw jump sofa grandfather
cook fish grandmother

My Family My Things My Clothes

_______b__r_o_t_h_e__r____ _______g_u_it_a_r________ _______s_k_i_r_t ________
_________s_is_t_e_r______ _______w_a_t_c_h________ _______b_o_o_t_s________
________f_a_t_h_e__r_____ ______c_a_m__e_r_a_______ ______t_ro_u_s_e_r_s_______
_____g_r_a__n_d_f_a_t_h__e_r__ _______b__ik_e_________ _______g_lo_v_e_s________ KYE
____g__r_a_n_d__m__o_t_h_e_r__ _______r_a_d_i_o________

My House Things I Can Do!

______k_i_tc_h_e__n_______ _______d_r_a_w_________
_____b_a_t_h_r_o_o_m_______ _______j_u_m_p_________
________so_f_a_________ _______c_o_o_k_________
_____b_o_o__k_c_a_se_______ ________fi_s_h_________
______g_a_r_d_e_n________ ___p_l_a_y__th_e__d_r_u_m_____



Lesson 1 hair 4

1 Look and write the words. eyes 5
teeth 6
Face 1 ears b

2 nose e

KYE 3 mouth

2 Look, read and match.

1 He has got big hands. ___C__ a
b2 They have got long hair. _____ d
3 He has got big ears.
e4 She has got a small nose. _____
d5 It has got a big mouth. _____



The Way We Look!

Lesson 2

3 Look, read and write.

1 Mark / _M__a_rk__h_a_s_g_o_t_a_d_o_g_. _______________________

2 Fred and Tina / ____F_r_e_d__a_n_d__T_in_a__h_a_v_e__g_o_t__a_b__a_ll_. _____

3 Lucy / _________L_u_c_y__h_a_s_g_o_t__a__d_o_ll_._______________

4 Harry / _________H_a_r_r_y__h_a_s_g_o_t__a__k_it_e_.______________

5 Janet and Bill / ____J_a_n_e_t_a__n_d_B__il_l _h_a_v_e__g_o_t_a__c_a_t_.______ KYE

6 I/ _________I_h_a__ve__g_o_t__a__g_u_it_a_r_._______________

4 Look, ask and answer.

1 H__a_s_h_e_g_o_t_____ 2 _H_a_s__h_e__g_o_t___ 3 _H_a_s__h_e__g_o_t___ 4 _H_a_s__h_e__g_o_t___
hair? teeth? eyes? ears?
No, _he__h_a_sn_’_t__ No, h_e__h_a_s_n_’_t_ No, h_e__h_a_s_n_’_t_ No, h_e__h_a_s_n_’_t_
_go_t_a_n_y_h_a_i_r____! _g_o_t_a_n_y__t_e_e_t_h_! _g_o_t_a_n_y__e_y_e_s__! _g_o_t_a_n_y__e_a_r_s__!


1MODULE 1 head
5 fingers
Lesson 3
7 feet
5 Look and write the words.

neck 2
arms 3

hands 4

legs 6

KYE toes 8

6 Read and colour.

This is Spiky! Spiky has got (ขึน้ อยกู ับ
a pink face and brown hair. ดุลยพนิ ิจของผูสอน)
He’s got a red nose and
yellow eyes. Spiky’s got a
green and black body. He’s
got two blue arms and two
red hands. He’s got red legs
and yellow feet.


The Way We Look!

Lesson 4 5 one cswtohhooeilmetdhp,a,,tntwt,wwotowo _o___________c____wsh____thoei____lemed____etr____ehep____nn____________________
6 one
7 Write the plurals. 7 one
8 one
1 one fish, two ________f_іs_h______

mice2 one mouse, two _____________
feet3 one foot, two _______________
men4 one man, two _______________

8 Spot the differences.


1 (sheep) In picture A, there are two sheep. KYE
In picture B, there is one sheep. 7

2 (fish) In picture A, there is one fish.
In picture B, there are two fish.

3 (mouse) In picture A, there are two mice.
In picture B, there is one mouse.

4 (dog) In picture A, there is one dog.
In picture B, there are two dogs.

5 (man) In picture A, there is one man.
In picture B, there are two men.

6 (child) In picture A, there is one child.
In picture B, there are two children.


Lesson 5

About the story ... Go to Student’s Book pages 8-9.

9 Read and match. 3 4

12 Now he’s got He’s got hair
hair on his face but it’s red!
Oscar, look! Oh, no! He’s
He hasn’t got got hair on his and body!
arms and legs!
any hair!



10 Read and choose the correct picture.

The alien has got a blue nose. A

He hasn’t got any hair on his ✓B
head and face.

He’s got hair on
his arms and legs.

Make a wanted poster for the other alien.


Lesson 6 The Way We Look!

11 Listen and tick (✓). c

1 Which one is Mark?

a✓ b

2 Which one is Nelly?

ab c✓

12 Read and answer the questions. KYE

This is my friend, Sue. She’s ten
years old. She has got long brown
hair and dark eyes. She’s very
beautiful. Sue has got a cute dog,
Bella. Bella has got small dark
eyes and a small black nose. Bella
has got funny long ears too!

1 HWHWaohhwsaaBtto’’sselldtSlahuiesegnoSliatukmees??heoTor__tfe__ne__SS.a__hur__ees’__?’ss__d___go___og___t?___Nl___o____on____,g____s____bh____reB____oe____whl____laan____s.____nh____’at____.i____r____a____n____d________d____a____r____k________e____y____e____s____.____________________________________



Lesson 7

13 Read, look and complete the song.

Head, 1) shoulders , knees and 2) toes ,

3) Knees and toes,

4) Head , shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes!

And 5) eyes and 6) ears and

7) Mouth and 8) nose ,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes!


Lesson 8

Space heroes!

14 Read and complete.

Jar Jar Binks has got two big yellow
1) ,y e s e ____e_y_e_s_______, a big

2) u t o m h ____m_o__u_th______

and a very strange

nose3) o s n e ______________. KYE

He’s got two long pink and grey Jar Jar Binks

ears4) r a s e ______________, 11

but he hasn’t got any

hair5) i r a h ______________.

Jar Jar Binks has got four

6) n i f e g s r ___f_in_g_e_r_s___
and three

toes7) o e t s ______________.

He’s very funny!

Modular Revision and Assessment 1

Vocabulary 3 Make sentences.

1 Look and write. (20 marks)

(15 marks) 0 dog/has/ears./big/My/got

1 hair My dog has got big ears.

0 ears 1 they/dark/Have/got/eyes?

5 nose 2 eyes Have they got dark eyes?
4 mouth 3 teeth
2 got/Bill/feet./has/big
KYE Grammar 15
Bill has got big feet.
2 Look and match.
3 fair/I/got/hair./haven’t
(15 marks)
I haven’t got fair hair.
0a 1 f 2b 4 cHaetr/gcreaetnh/haass/geoytesg./rHeeern/geoyt es.
5 cMhailrdyrehn.a/sgogto/Mt afirvye/ficvhei/lhdarsen.
3d 4e 5c
a men c toes e fingers
b feet d teeth f children Communication

12 15 4 Read and circle.

(15 marks)

0 A: Has she got long hair?

B: a) No, she hasn’t.
b) No, she isn’t.

1 A: What does Mr Smith look like?

B: a) He’s got red hair and blue eyes.
b) He is red hair and blue eyes.

2 A: Have you got a brother?

B: a) No, thank you.
b) No, I haven’t.

3 A: What colour are the monster’s toes?

B: a) They’re pink.
b) This is pink.



5 Listen, colour and draw. (20 marks)

สีเหลอื ง

สสี ม

สีดํา KYE

Reading and Writing 20

6 Look and read. Then write T (true) or F (false).
(15 marks)

This is Gougou, the 0 He has got big eyes. __T___
alien. Gougou has got 1 He hasn’t got any hair.
big eyes, but he hasn’t 2 He has got two ears. T_____
got any hair or ears! 3 He has got long arms. F_____
He has got long arms 4 He has got small feet. T_____
and big feet. Look at 5 His trousers are F_____
Gougou’s trousers. F_____
They’re very long. very short.

Total 100



Lesson 1

1 Look and write the words.

1___b_a_n_a_n_a___ 2____r_i_c_e____ 3___c_h_ic_k_e_n___ 4___b_r_e_a_d____

KYE 5____c_a_k_e____ 6___sa__u_sa_g_e___ 7___b_u_r_g_e_r___ 8___h_o_t_d_o_g___

2 Look and write the words.





Lesson 2 Something to Eat

3 Look and write. 4 _T_h_e__re__a_r_e_n_’_t_a_n_y____
_T_h_e_r_e’_s_s_o_m_e_b_r_e_a_d_. ___

25 _T_h_e__re__a_r_e__s_o_m_e_____

_T_h_e_r_e_is_n_’t__a_ny__ri_c_e_. ___

___________________ _s_a_u_s_a_g_e_s_.__________

36 _T_h_e__re__a_r_e_n_’_t_a_n_y____
_c_h_i_c_k_e_n_. ___________ _e_g_g_s_.______________

4 Look, read and write some or any.

1 There are ___s_o_m_e____ eggs.

any2 There aren’t __________ bananas.
some3 There are __________ sausages.
some4 There are __________ oranges.
any5 There isn’t __________ chicken.
some6 There is __________ milk.
some7 There is __________ cake.
any8 There isn’t __________ rice.



Lesson 3

5 Look, read and tick (✓).

rice ____ chicken ____
bread __✓__ fish ____
cheese ____ chips __✓__
milk __✓__ water __✓__
ice cream ____ apples __✓__
cake __✓__ salad __✓__
eggs ____ tomatoes ____

6 Look and write. 4


✓ _W_e_’_ve__g_ot__so_m__e_____ ✓ _W_e_’_v_e__g_o_t_s_o_m__e___
_b_re_a_d_. ____________
✓ __Wic__ee__’__cv__er__e__ga__om__t__. s__o__m____e______
25 ✗ _W_e__h_a_v_e_n_’_t_g_o__t ___

✗ _W_e__h_av_e_n_’t__go_t______ _a_n_y_r_i_c_e_._________

_an_y__m_il_k_. __________


✗ _W_e__h_a_v_e_n_’_t_g_o__t ___
_a_n_y_c_h__e_e_se__. ______


Lesson 4 Something to Eat

7 Write a, an or some. ___a_n_____ egg

1 ____a_____ burger 5

2 __s_o_m_e____ water 6 __s_o_m_e____ cheese

3 a_________ pizza 7 __s_o_m_e____ tomatoes

4 a_________ banana 8 __s_o_m_e____ chips KYE

8 Look and complete.

1 T_h_e_r_e_i_s_s_o_m_e____ pizza.

2 T_h_e_r_e_i_sn_’_t_a_n_y___ water.

3 T_h_e__re__i_s_s_o_m__e__ cheese.
4 T_h_e__re__a_r_e_n_’_t_a_n_y burgers.
5 T_h_e__re__a_r_e__s_o_m_e_ chips
6 T_h_e__re__i_s_s_o_m__e__ bread.
7 T_h_e__re__i_s_s_o_m__e__ milk.
8 T_h_e__re__i_s_s_o_m__e__ ice cream.



Lesson 5

About the story ... Go to Student’s Book pages 20-21.

9 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

1 There are some eggs in the fridge. T_____F_____
2 There is some ice cream.
3 Tom is hungry and thirsty. __________
4 They order cheese and chicken pizza.

10 Read and match. a Can we have chicken
1 with chips and salad, and
two pizzas, please?
Are there
any eggs?



Is there any

3 Sorry, no, but
there’s some milk.
Are you ready
to order? c

18 Yes, there is.
There’s cheese and

tomato pizza.

Something to Eat

Lesson 6

11 Listen and match.

12 Which picture? Read and write A or B. KYE


1 There’s some water. A__B_ 5 There’s some orange juice. ___
2 There are some eggs. A B___ 6 There are some hot dogs. ___
3 There’s some cake. B___ 7 There’s some bread. _A__
4 There’s some cheese. B___ 8 There’s some chicken. _A__



Lesson 7

13 Read, look and match.

a8 I love 1) sausages. b1
I love 2) rice. d4
3) Bread and 4) milk f2
KYE Are very nice! h7

e6 I love 5) pizza.
I love 6) chicken.
g3 My favourite things
Are in the kitchen!

The kitchen!
All my favourite things

Are in the kitchen!

I love 7) salad.
I love 8) fish.
I love anything

On a dish!


Lesson 8

Breakfast time!

14 Complete the crossword puzzle.


1 21
5C E R A 5 21
8W F


15 What’s for breakfast? Write.

English breakfast American breakfast

__(a__b_o_w__l _o_f)__c_e_re_a_l_,_(_a_c_u_p__ __w_a_f_fl_e_s _w_i_th__b_l_ue_b_e_r_r_y_j_a_m_
____o_f_) _t_e_a_, _b_a_c_o_n_, _e_g_g_s_, ___ ________a_n_d__cr_e_a_m__, ______
_____to_m__a_to_e_s__a_n_d_t_o_a_s_t____ __m_u_f_f_in_s_, _(_a_c_u_p__o_f)__c_o_ff_e_e_

Modular Revision and Assessment 2


1 Look, read and match. (10 marks)

0 hot dog k__a_ a b c d
1 bread f g h e
___ k
2 rice c___ i
3 water 10
b4 orange juice ___
5 salad i___ 3 Write a, an or
6 cheese d___ some. (10 marks)

7 egg g___ j

8 chips e___

9 cake h___

10 pizza


KYE 2 Read and answer. (10 marks)

0 Are there any chips? 3 Are there any apples? 0 ___a____ tomato

_Y_e_s_, _th__e_re__a_r_e_._______ _Y_e_s_,__t_h_e_r_e__a_r_e__. ____ 1 _s_o_m__e__ cheese
an2 _______ apple
1 Is there any bread? 4 Is there any salad? 3 _s_o_m__e__ beans
a4 _______ carrot
_N_o__,_t_h_e_r_e___is_n_’_t_.____ _N_o__,_t_h_e_r_e___is_n_’_t_.____ 5 _s_o_m__e__ milk
6 _s_o_m__e__ bread
2 Are there any eggs? 5 Is there any water? a7 _______ hot dog
8 _s_o_m__e__ water
_Y_e_s_,__t_h_e_r_e__a_r_e__. ____ _N_o__,_t_h_e_r_e___is_n_’_t_.____ 9 _s_o_m__e__ rice
an10 _______ orange


Something to Eat

4 Read and write some Listening

or any. (15 marks) 6 Listen and put a

Bill: Good morning, Mum! What’s for tick (✓) or a cross (✗).
breakfast? I’m hungry! (20 marks)

Mum: Well, there’s 0) ____so_m__e___ cereal. a✓ b✗ c✓

anyBill: Yuk! Are there 1) __________
Mum: No, there aren’t but I can make

some2) __________ waffles.
Bill: OK! I love waffles! Can I have
d✓ e✗
some3) __________ eggs too?
anyMum: Sorry, there aren’t 4) __________ 20

eggs in the fridge, but there are Reading and Writing

some5) __________ sausages.
Bill: Great! Thank you!
15 7 Read and write KYE
T (true) or F (false).
Communication ✫ (20 marks)
5 Read and choose. There are some potatoes, but there

(15 marks)

0 A: Here’s your food. aren’t any tomatoes. There is some
bread, but there isn’t any cheese and
B: a) Thank you. there isn’t any orange juice.
b) It’s some food. Can you get some?
1 A: What can I get you?
F0 There are some potatoes. _T__
B: a) Can you get some?
b) A burger, please. 1 There are some tomatoes. ___
2 There isn’t any bread. __F_
2 A: Are you thirsty? __F_
3 There is some cheese.
B: a) Yes, I am. T4 There isn’t any orange juice. ___
b) Yes, I’m ten.
3 A: Is there any pizza?
Total 100
B: a) No, but there’s some chicken.

b) No, he isn’t. 15



Lesson 1

1 Look and write the sentences.

1___It_’_s_c_o_l_d_._ 2___It_’_s _w__in_d_y_. 3___It_’_s _s_u_n_n_y_.

KYE 4__I_t’_s__sn_o_w__i_ng. 5___It_’_s_h_o_t_.__ 6__I_t_’s__r_a_in_i_n_g.

2 Find and write the words.

1 2345678 2B 2E 5D 4F 8B
F Y Z C D F GML S N O W I N G2 3C 1H 7G 6E 4H 6A 8H


6C 3E 8E 5G 1A 4C 2D



What’s the Weather Like?

Lesson 2

3 Read and put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗).

1 It’s hot. We’re 2 It’s snowing. We’re 3 It’s raining. I’m

swimming. ✓ riding our bikes. ✗ reading my book. ✗

4 It’s cold. I’m wearing 5 It’s windy. We’re 6 It’s sunny. I’m eating KYE
flying our kites.
my coat and hat. ✓ ✓ an ice cream. ✗

4 Ask, look and answer.

1 boy/read/a book
I_s_t_h_e_b_o_y__re_a_d_in_g__a_b_o_o_k_? ________
N_o_,_h_e_i_s_n_’t_. _H_e_’s_w_a_t_c_h_in_g_T__V_. _____

2 boy/drink/hot chocolate


3 boy/sit/on his bed

YI__se__ts__h,__eh__e__b__oi__sy__. __si__t__ti__n__g____o__n____h__is____b__e__d__?______

4 his mum/cook




Lesson 3

5 Write what they are doing.

1 Bob _is_f_іs_h_in_g_. ____ 2 Ann _is_c_o_o_k_i_n_g.___ 3 Lisa _is__lis_t_e_n_in_g__to_


4 John _is__sw__im_m__in_g_._ 5 Extra _is__w_a_tc_h_i_n_g_T_V. 6 Max _is__d_ri_n_k_in_g_m__ilk.

7 Sam _is__e_a_ti_ng_.____ 8 Debbie _is__d_ra_w__in_g_.__ 9 Paul _is__ri_d_in_g__h_is_b_ike.


What’s the Weather Like?

Lesson 4

6 Read and match.

1 Tonia’s eating a a bike.
2 Julia isn’t drinking b a salad.
3 Billy’s riding c a book.
4 They aren’t playing d basketball.
5 Je ’s reading e hot chocolate.
6 Sara’s listening to f a car.
7 I’m not watching g music.
8 Brenda’s driving h TV.

7 Look and answer the questions. KYE


Tom Cindy

Lin Oscar

1 What’s Lin doing? 4 WS_h_he_a’_ts’_s_mW_a_ek_ni_dn_yg_d_ao_si_nn_go_?w__m_a_n_.____
S__h_e’_s_d_r_a_w_in_g_. _______________ 5 WH__eh_’as_t’_sr_eT_ao_dm_in_dg_o_ia_n_gb_?o_o_k_.________

2 WS_h_he_a_’ts’_s_eC_ai_nt_idn_yg_d_ao_i_hn_og_t?_d_o__g_. _____ 27
3 WH__eh_a’s_t’_sd_rO_ins_ck_ai_nr_gd_o_hi_on_tg_?c_h_o_c_o__la_t_e_._


Lesson 5

About the story ... Go to Student’s Book pages 32-33.

8 Look, read and write. Then complete the crossword.

1 23

4 56

1 It’s _____s_n_ow_i_n_g_____ here! 4 Dad’s ___w__a_t_c_h_in_g___ TV.
KYE _____h_a_v_i_n_g_____ WLine’nsd_y_’s___r__e__am__d__ai__nk__ig__n__g____
2 I’m _____s_u_n_n_y______ fun. 5 a book.
3 It’s today! 6 a snowman.



3s u n n y a

5o v

r 4w a t c h i n g

ei n

6m a k i n g g






What’s the Weather Like?

Lesson 6

9 Listen and tick (✓) the correct box.

1 What’s Wendy

2 What are a b✓ c
Dave and a✓ b c
Pete doing?
3 What is Paul
doing? c

a b✓ 29

10 Read and write.

Dear Angela,
Hi! How are you? Germany is so beautiful! It

1) ____i_s_s_n_o_w_in_g___ (snow) today! My sister and I

are making2) ______________ (make) a snowman. Mum and Dad
are drinking3) ______________ (drink) hot chocolate. It’s
is havingfantastic! Everyone 4) ______________ (have) fun!
Is it rainingWhat’s the weather like at home?

5) ______________ (it/rain)? See you soon!

Lots of love,


Lesson 7

11 Read, look and complete the song.

We’re 1) ____f_i_s_h_in_g____ at the lake,

fishingAt the lake, at the lake.

We’re 2) _____________ at the lake.

We’re having fun!

swimmingWe’re 3) _____________ in the sea,
swimmingIn the sea, in the sea.

We’re 4) _____________ in the sea.
KYE We’re having fun!

playingWe’re 5) _____________ in the snow,
playingIn the snow, in the snow.

We’re 6) _____________ in the snow.

We’re having fun!

runningWe’re 7) _____________ in the park,
runningIn the park, in the park.

We’re 8) _____________ in the park.

We’re having fun!


Lesson 8

Weather in the UK

12 Read and draw the

weather symbols.

1 In England it’s cold and raining.
2 In Scotland it’s hot and sunny.
3 In Wales it’s windy.
4 In Northern Ireland it’s snowing.

United Kingdom KYE


Modular Revision and Assessment 3

Vocabulary 3 Read and complete.

1 Look, read and circle. (20 marks)

(15 marks) 0 He ______is__d_r_in_k_i_n_g___ (drink) milk.

01 1 They a__re__n_’_t_w__a_t_c_h_i_n_g_ (not/watch)
fly a kite / drink tea eat / drink
am playing2 I ___________________ (play) in the
23 garden.

sleep / watch TV eat / cook 3 We __a_r_e_n_’_t__r_u_n_n_i_n_g__ (not/run)
in the park.
4 5
4 ___A__r_e__y_o_u__h__a_v_i_n_g___ (you/have)
KYE lunch?

is playing5 She _________________ (play) the


4 Look, read and write.

(15 marks)

cook / draw swim / fish 0 A: What’s the weather like?

15 B: It’s cold and __w_i_n_d_y_.

Grammar 1 A: Let’s go fishing! It’s _s_u_n__n_y_

2 Read and circle. today!

(15 marks) B: OK, great!

0 I are / am drinking tea. 2 A: Are you having fun?
1 We is / are listening to music.
2 Mr and Mrs Adams is / are swimming. B: Oh, yes! It’s _s_n_o_w__i_n_g_ here!
3 Ben am / is watching TV.
4 The boys am / are playing in the park. 3 A: What are you doing?
5 Dan is / are riding his bike.
B: Well, I’m watching TV because
it’s __ra__in__in_g__ today.

Listening Reading and Writing

5 Listen and tick (✓) 6 Look and read. Then

the box. (15 marks) write yes or no.
(20 marks)
0 What is Sandra doing?

ab c

1 What is the weather like?

ab c


2 Where’s Steve? c


0 The boy is flying a kite. _y_e_s_

✓ 1 The girl is eating chips. _n_o__

3 Where are Mum and Dad? no2 The woman is wearing a red hat.____
ab c 3 The dog is running.

4 The girl is holding a ball. _y_e_s_

5 The cat is sleeping. _n_o__

✓ Total 20
15 100



Lesson 1

1 Put the days of the week in the correct order.

1 42 6

57 3
2 Read and write the correct day.

Barry does lots of things 1

KYE every day! On Mondays he ____S_u_n_d_a_y_____
has a guitar lesson. On

Tuesdays he washes his dad’s ____M__on_d_a_y_____ 4

car. On Wednesdays he plays

tennis. On Thursdays he visits 3
his friend, Emma. On Fridays
he watches TV. On Saturdays _____Fr_i_d_a_y_____

he goes to the cinema. He

reads a book on Sundays. ____Sa_t_u_r_d_a_y____


5 7

___W_e_d_n_e_s_d_a_y___ ____T_u_e_sd_a_y_____


Hooray, It’s Saturday!

Lesson 2

3 Complete the sentences. Then read and match.

a2 b3 c1

1 He ____p_l_a_ys____ (play) basketball on Monday. KYE

visits2 She ___________ (visit) her grandmother on Tuesday.
play3 They ___________ (play) tennis on Wednesday.

4 Look, read and write.


_D_o_e_s__O_s_c_a_r_p_la_y_ (Oscar/play) football _D_o__e_s_L_i_n_w__a_t_c_h_ (Lin/watch) TV in
on Tuesdays?
_N__o,_h_e__d_o_e_s_n’_t__. He __r_id_e_s__ his bike. _thN_e_o_e,_vse_hn_ie_n_gd_?_o_e_s_n_’t_. She _g_o__e_s_ to bed.


_D_o_e_s__F_io__n_a_v_i_s_it___ (Fiona/visit) her _D__o_e_s_P_h_i_l_t_id_y__ (Phil/tidy) his room
g_Nr_ao_n_,d_sm_h_eo_thd_e_or_e_osn_n’_tF_r_id. aSyhse? ___h_a_s_____
e_vN_e_or_y,_a_hf_et_e_rdn_oo_eo_sn_n?_’_t. He _w_a_t_c_h_e_s_ TV.
a dance lesson on Fridays.

4MODULE _It_’_s _t_h_r_e_e__o_’c_l_o_c_k.
Lesson 3

5 Look and write.



6 Look, read and circle.


1 She gets up / stands 2 She plays / visits her 3 She makes / does her
up at seven o’clock. grandfather on Mondays. homework at five o’clock.

4 She gets up / goes to 5 She has breakfast / 6 She runs / walks to
bed at nine o’clock. has a shower at eight school.

Hooray, It’s Saturday!

Lesson 4

7 Make questions. Then answer them about yourself.


1 up?/time/What/you/do/get 3 school?/wear/a/you/uniform/Do/at
W__h_at_t_im__e _d_o_y_ou__ge_t_u_p_?_________
(_I_g_e_t _up__at_s_e_v_en__o’_cl_o_ck_.)_________ D__o_y_o_u__w_e_a_r__a__u_n_if_o_rm__a__t _s_c_h_o_o_l?
(_N__o_, _I_d_o_n_’_t._)_________________
2 do/on/Sundays?/you/What/do
4 Do/tidy/room/day?/you/every/your
(_I_p__la_y_b_a_s_k_e_t_b_a_ll_w_i_t_h_m__y_f_ri_e_n_d_s._) D__o_y_o_u__t_id_y__y_o_u_r_r_o_o_m__e_v_e_r_y_d_a_y_?

8 Complete. Use in, at or on.

1 Steven gets up at six o’clock __i_n__ at4 Jane goes to bed at ten o’clock KYE
the morning. _____ night.

at2 I’ve got piano lesson _____ three on5 Bob plays rugby _____ Sundays.
6 Brian and Tim play basketball
on3 What do you do _____ Sundays?
in_____ the afternoon.

9 Listen and draw the times.

1 have breakfast? 2 do your homework? 3 go to bed?

Now complete the sentences.

1 Alex has breakfast at _8__o_’c_lo_c_k_._________________
2 He does his homework at _6__o_’_cl_o_c_k_. _____________
3 He goes to bed at _9__o_’_cl_o_c_k_. ___________________



Lesson 5

About the story ... Go to Student’s Book pages 44-45.

10 Read and answer the questions. ____________E__iBg__ah__st__k__oe__’tc__bl__ao__lcl__.k__.__________

1 What time does the bus come? _______S_ix__o_’_c_lo_c_k_.______
2 What does Oscar play with Tom on Saturdays?

3 What time does Jack Michaels get up? _______B_a_s_k_e_t_b_a_ll_.______

4 What does Jack Michaels play every day?

11 Read and match.

1 2 3

Do you want He doesn’t go to school Do you play basketball
on Saturdays! every day?

ab c


12 Draw the times. 2 What time does Jack Michaels get up?

1 What time does the bus come?


Hooray, It’s Saturday!

Lesson 6

13 Read and put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗).

Jack Michaels is my favourite basketball player.
He gets up at six o’clock every morning.
He swims in the pool at seven o’clock.
He has breakfast at eight o’clock.
He has lunch at one o’clock and dinner at seven o’clock.
Then he plays basketball from eight o’clock
to ten o’clock in the evening. He goes to bed
at eleven o’clock.
I like Jack Michaels.
He’s a great basketball player.

1 He gets up at six o’clock every morning. ✓ KYE
2 He swims in the lake at seven o’clock. ✗
3 He has breakfast at eight o’clock. ✓
4 He has lunch at one o’clock. ✓
5 He has dinner at eight o’clock. ✗
6 He plays basketball and then he goes to bed. ✓

Write three sentences about what you do every day.

(Suggested Answer)
_I_t_a_lk__to__m_y__fr_ie_n_d_s__o_n_t_h_e_p_h_o_n_e__e_v_e_ry__d_a_y_. ______________________
_I_p_l_a_y_b_a_s_k_e_tb_a_l_l _e_ve_r_y__d_a_y.____________________________________



Lesson 7

14 Look, read and match to complete the song.

KYE This is the time I go to school,
a It’s one o’clock in the afternoon! Go to school, go to school.
b It’s nine o’clock at night!
This is the time I go to school.


This is the time I eat my lunch,
Eat my lunch, eat my lunch.

This is the time I eat my lunch.


This is the time I watch TV,
Watch TV, watch TV.

This is the time I watch TV.


This is the time I go to bed,
Go to bed, go to bed.

This is the time I go to bed.


c It’s eight o’clock in the morning!
d It’s six o’clock in the evening!


Lesson 8

School days!

15 Complete the email to a new friend about your

school. Then draw a picture of your school.

(Suggested Answer)

EmmaHi _____________, KYE
Christina St John’sMy name is ____________________. I study at ____________________ School.
bus eight o’clockI go to school by ____________________. School starts at ________________ and
three o’clock school uniformfinishes at ________________. I wear/don’t wear a __________________ to school

every day.

science Monday,My favourite subject is __________________. I love it. I have it every _____________
Wednesday and Friday usually have dance lessons or_______________________. After school, I __________________________________
piano lessons.______________________________________________________________________


ChristinaWrite and tell me about your school.


(ขนึ้ อยูกบั ดลุ ยพินจิ ของผสู อน)


Modular Revision and Assessment 4

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Unscramble the days. 3 Read and choose.

(15 marks) (15 marks)

0y r d F i a 0 I ____________ the piano every day.

_Fr_i_d_ay_________________________ a)play b) plays

1 _____________ you like basketball?

1d o n Mya a)Do b) Does

M__o_n_d_a_y_______________________ 2 I go swimming _________ the morning.

2r a t uSd y a a)on b)in

S_a__tu_r_d_a_y______________________ 3 My mum ________ work on Saturdays.

a)doesn’t b) don’t

3y u e T s d a 4 Larry ____________ some ice cream.

_T_u_e_s_d_a_y______________________ a)wants b) want

5 Do you get up _______ seven o’clock?

4s r T uhy a d a)at b)on

KYE _T_h_u_rs_d_a_y______________________ 15

5n du Sya 4 Make sentences.
(20 marks)

15 0 has/a/Tom/guitar/on/Fridays./lesson

2 Look, read and T_o_m__h_a_s_a__g_u_it_a_r_l_e_s_so_n__o_n_F_r_id_a_y_s_.__

complete. (6 marks) 1 tidies/room/afternoon./Judy/every/her

i n e0 b _r_ _e_ _a_ k 1 d __ n __ __ r J_u_d_y__t_id__ie_s__h_e_r__ro__o_m__e_v_e_r_y__a_f_te_r_noon.