Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

หากใครที่ติดตามมังงะเรื่อง Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai (ชื่อไทย เรื่องนี้ตำราไม่มีสอน) ซึ่งในนิตยสาร Weekly Shonen Jump ฉบับที่ 15 ได้ลงตีพิมพ์ตอนสุดท้ายไป และก็เกิดประเด็นให้แฟน ๆ ได้ถกเถียงกันพอสมควรเกี่ยวกับสาวที่ได้ลงเอยกับนาริยูกิ ตัวเอกของเรื่อง

แต่ไม่ต้องกังวลไปเพราะล่าสุดนิตยสารเล่มเดียวกันได้เผยว่าในสัปดาห์หน้ามังงะเรื่องนี้จะเข้าสู่เนื้อหา “คู่ขนาน” ที่จะเป็นเรื่องราวนาริยูกิที่ลงเอยกับสาวอีก 4 คนที่เหลือไปสู่ฉากจบอีกแบบหนึ่ง โดยใช้ชื่อว่า Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Route:if ซึ่งจะเริ่มกับโอกาตะ ริสึ, ฟุรุฮาชิ ฟุมิโนะ, โคมินามิ อาซุมิ และ คิริสุ มาฟุยุ โดยเนื้อหาจะเริ่มตั้งแต่ตอนเทศกาลดอกไม้ไฟ

โดยอาจารย์ Tsutsui Taishi ได้มีคอมเมนต์เกี่ยวกับฉบับที่ลงในนิตยสารว่า “นี่ยังไม่ใช่ฉากจบที่แท้จริง ผมจะดีใจมากถ้าคุณติดตามเรื่องนี้กันอีกสักหน่อย”

Asumi is super cute, if prickly. Kirisu Sensei is a funny drunk as well, and her and the bug-HA! The chapter where he worked for his mom was kinda funny, kinda what was he thinking. Nariyuki continues to be sweet for the most part.

romance shonen-jump-manga too-sexy-for-my-shirt

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

2,381 reviews149 followers

March 12, 2020

Volume notes: Kirisu-sensei is making a case for her to be part of the main, and after this volume, no doubt her popularity skyrocketed as she and Yuiga deepen their teacher-student relationship. Asumi-senpai also makes her appearance as part of this crew as well.

Series review: "We Never Learn" or

BokuBen is a comedy manga that draws its laughs from the interactions of the main character Yuiga with his harem, I mean, his classmates Fumino, Ogata, and Uruka. He tutors them, with a college scholarship on the line for him. There are also two other supporting characters in the periphery, teacher Kirasu, and recent alum Asumi, whose orbits sometimes cross into the paths of the main cast. It has the usual pervy tropes found in manga of its ilk, although toned down because of the high school setting. It was a manga I did not expect to enjoy as much as I did. It gave me that "finale high" which I associate with stories that get me as a reader.

One reason I probably enjoyed this series is the earnestness of the main character. One can't help but cheer for him. He's a good guy and hopelessly clueless sometimes, which is main component of his charm.

My rating for the entire series is 4 stars.

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

1,342 reviews115 followers

June 2, 2019

It has now been brought to my attention that I am absolute trash. And I have accepted that.

While I did have some issues with this volume, I have to give this the full five stars because the comedy was spot on, the expressions were awesome, and it was just flat-out entertaining. I'll quickly go over my issues since there aren't as many and most of them are nit-picky anyway.

The biggest one I have is with Kirisu sensei, mostly because I'm not sure what her role is supposed to be. I'm sincerely hoping she isn't going to become part of the harem because some lines just shouldn't be crossed, but if she isn't then why is Tsutsui creating so many accidental pervert scenes with her? Also, why is there so much emphasis on her ass? Seriously, the chapter where Yuiga helps her clean her apartment showed her butt every other panel and it got old REALLY FAST. Maybe I'm so harsh because I pure and simple don't like her, but I honestly don't get what she's supposed to be in the series. One last thing, she was sitting outside of her apartment complex because of the cockroach, but why did she grab Yuiga to help her? Granted I don't know how long she was out there for, but based off of Yuiga's reaction when she tells him why she was out there, it seems like it was a long time. Did she seriously not ask ANYONE ELSE who was walking by for help and waited SPECIFICALLY for Yuiga? Again, WHY??? Whatever, that's all I wanted to say, moving on.

This is a super small nit-pick, but how did Yuiga not know where his mom works? You'd think someone who's as invested in helping his family financially would know where his mom worked, but he really didn't? I feel like that whole plot point purely existed so that there could be a dramatic reveal about her work, which wasn't that funny all things considered. Not a big deal, but kind of hard to believe.

Okay, that's it for my issues, onto the gushing!

First of all, as I said earlier, the comedy was spot on this volume. There were a handful of scenes where I snorted I was laughing so hard. I've found that the combination of well-timed dialogue or action combined with the expressive art style is why I love the comedy so much. Not every joke landed, but it was still entertaining to watch.

I was hesitant when Kominami was introduced because I could tell she was going to be Harem Member

4, but I actually like her character and what she adds to the group. She's older than all of them and demands that level of respect from them and that mixes well with Uruka's over the top enthusiasm, Ogata's monotone seriousness, and Furuhashi's bubbly sweetness. Her character design is okay, granted none have topped Furuhashi's adorableness, but I was genuinely surprised that I enjoyed her introduction so much. Welcome to the club, Kominami, we have buttons and shirts.

Ogata being obsessed with kissing. That whole subplot was pure gold and I loved it. Also her delivering the udon to Kirisu when Yuiga was over was hilarious as well. Her expressions alone won me over for this volume, which speaks to my standards when reviewing manga...

I'm going to stop there before I go too far, but suffice to say I still really enjoy this series, which is great since I could tell this series was heading down the harem route and yet I'm still enjoying it. Great job, Tsutsui, great job!


July 12, 2020

My, my, my. Things sure getting hot up in here!

The harem grows! Maids! Henchman! Drinking! Bugs! Fan service! But wait... there's more! Yes my friends, it's true, when it comes to cute gals, there is never too much of a good thing! Ah, to be in this lad's spot. Well, actually, I have been. I wasn't always this boorish homebody you see now, I was rather popular in junior high & high school... now that I think about it, uni too... but, like a certain young fellow in this story, I was all about the grades. So, well, now I'm a rogue internet has-been who passes time in the wee hours by reading harem rom-coms. Meh, such is life. It passes in a moment. Enjoy life while you're young, kids! Don't be like yer ol pal, Uncle Joe! Yes, you too, can have a harem at your school! All it takes is 1) determination 2) lots of cute girls 3) ?????? 4) harem!!! Wait, what were we talking about? What's that? Get back to the point? Oh, right, then! Ok, art, very well done. Lots of eye candy, to be sure. Dialogue, very well done. Very refreshing & humorous. Characters, believable, relatable, likeable, and adorable. Waiter, more wine, please, at table 06...

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

10 reviews

January 9, 2023

it was ok but i HATED the sexual tension between the teacher and the guy just weird… also the time jumps were hard to keep up with, the story itself was fine but like just fine nothing special, nothing eventful and the drawings were just mediocre. I finished it in one day but mainly because i forced myself to get through it so i could go onto another book.

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

208 reviews1 follower


March 9, 2023

Going back on my older reviews of the first 3 volumes, I was saying how it wasn’t doing anything new for the genre, but tbh, what’s here is still really good and like a perfection of the formula. The writing and motivations for the characters are all good, the way the characters bounce off each other is awesome. I really like this!

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

97 reviews1 follower

May 6, 2022

This has gotten so much better. The story is moving forward (even if it still manages to keep a somewhat episodic approach), and the comedy is great.

2022 manga

May 13, 2022

Seguir viendo como la más perceptiva se da cuenta de los romances que se van creando y ver más personajes que serán parte de esta historia agradable

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

Author 2 books4 followers

February 19, 2023

This is so cute! I loved the ending and the new characters!

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

6,501 reviews119 followers

October 5, 2020

Dopo le tre tipe e la professoressa, ne arriva un'altra. Una senpai che Nariyuki conosce alla scuola preparatoria. Piccolo particolare: per mantenersi quest'ultima lavora in un maid café.

Continua a non essere il mio genere, però lo sto leggendo volentieri. E faccio il tifo per Fumino, che sembra quella più normale di tutti.

ce-planet-manga geo-japan high-school

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

221 reviews1 follower

June 30, 2022

“ la tua capacita di concentrazione e la tua determinazione ad arrivare in fondo alle questioni sono qualità che io non possiedo sai, e per questo che ti ammiro”

In questo volume conosciamo un altro personaggio che sarà ricorrente nella storia ovvero Asumi Kominami che farà il suo ingresso nella storia nel capitolo dove Yuiga deve fare lezione di preparazione al test universitario siccome si impegnato a fare da tutor alle ragazze trascurando il suo andamento scolastico, questa ragazza è un asso nello nella storia del Giappone ma negata nelle materie scientifiche e siccome la facoltà che la vuole fare medicina i conti non tornano, quindi dopo un capitolo dove vediamo Yuiga accollarsi un'altra ragazza che ha un talento ma vuole seguire un altro percorso rispetto al suo talento, e da questo personaggio che le ragazze ha un modo di studiare da sole che non è corretto quindi da dei consigli ad esempio non usare solo i libri scolastici ma anche libri che possono aiutare a trovare risposte da soli, sembrano cose dette a caso da un personaggio di finzione, ma in realtà le vedo un suggerimento per il pubblico che sta leggendo il manga e sempre dal personaggio che vediamo diverse interpretazione della psicologia della professoressa Kirisu, siccome Asumi è una sua ex alunna e anche con lei si è comportata allo stesso modo che usa con le ragazze, ma da cui Asumi ha tratto ispirazione e ragionamento e non intestardendosi come hanno fatto le ragazze, altri capitoli interessanti sono stati Ogata e la sua ossessione per i baci a stampo come successe nei capitoli precedenti anche se ogni cosa vista nel capitolo mi sembra un modo di pensare tipicamente giapponese, ma anche si discosta molto dalla realtà anche se molti documentari o persone che hanno vissuto in Giappone possono confermare che il popolo giapponese reprime l'emozioni però cosi casti e puri che persino un bacio a stampo li mette in soggezione mi sa molto di caricaturale, soprattutto negli adolescenti. Il fumetto continua a piacermi e a tirare fuori nuovi spunti su cui riflettere nonostante il titolo leggero tanto che neanche in una mezz'ora si finisce il volume, però l'autore fa dire ai suoi personaggi insegnamenti o riflessioni che vuole condividere con il suo pubblico senza diventare logorroico. Nota di margine per i capitoli che non servono a nulla ma sono piuttosto divertenti come il capitolo dove Yuiga fa il commesso in un negozio di biancheria intima femminile mascherato da mascotte. Volume: 7.3/10

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

1,439 reviews3 followers

May 15, 2021

Oh no! I'm starting to like this. The stories are improving and the art has been good from the start.

A fifth girl was added to the harem in this volume (I'm counting the teacher as one). The sister, who I thought might be a harem member has disappeared, at least for now.

I have volumes 5 and 6 on hand. If they continue the improving trend, I may end up buying more (I think the series is already up to volume 18).

Bokutachi wa benkyou ga dekinai ม งงะ 4

2,008 reviews26 followers

January 2, 2021

A quick and easy read but be warned this is NSFW!

Yuiga's predicament of being the default nice guy stuck in an unintentional harem continue as the antics get crazier and the number of girls keeps growing. At this point, he could probably quit being a student and just start teaching.