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University for Entrepreneurial Society

This summer program offers intensive audio-lingual training in English for young people of high-school age (13 to 17 years) with or without previous knowledge of English, supplemented by a schedule of recreational and social activities. Although the aim of the program is to teach English, it also offers young people the opportunity to experience international living and camaraderie with students from around the world.

Close critical analysis is at the heart of the study of literature and one of the first skills that we need to acquire to become attentive, discriminating, critical readers. In this course we shall look at a selection of poetry and prose from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuries, paying attention to different aspects of language and form, and using key concepts and terms of the critical idiom. This will enable us to develop and hone the skills required for attentive and effective analyses of literary texts.

Tutor: Dr Edward Clarke teaches English literature for OUDCE and St Catherine’s College, Oxford.

Shakespeare on Stage and Screen

In this seminar we will explore the many different ways in which Shakespeare can be performed on stage and screen. While referring to a wide range of titles, we will focus our discussion on interpretations of three plays – Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V and Macbeth. Viewing extracts which feature actors and directors as diverse as Kenneth Branagh, Patrick Stewart, Julie Taymor and Joss Whedon, we will explore some key differences between stage and screen Shakespeare, consider the variety of approaches taken by directors, and compare different interpretations of the same play or role.

Tutor: Dr John O’Connor is Visiting Senior Lecturer at Cornell University, USA, and was formerly Principal Lecturer in English at Westminster College, Oxford. He has also taught at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Graduate seminar options

Click here to view the graduate-level seminar timetable.

Old and Middle English Literature

Medieval English literature is extraordinarily diverse: it offers, amongst other things, haunting elegies, tales of adventure, pious tracts, ribald verse, biting social commentary and flocks of querulous birds. This course aims to offer a glimpse these manifold delights through a focus on dreams, visions and encounters in texts from the eighth to the fourteenth century. We begin with enigmatic poetry that asks what it means to see, before moving through texts that question the relationship between language and meaning, signs and signification, to end with debates about the purpose of debate – and a man of great authority.

Tutor: Dr Helen Appleton is a member of the Faculty of English at Oxford University. She specialises in the literatures of Britain in the medieval period, especially texts in Old and Early Middle English and their influences.

Shakespeare and Politics: Then and Now

All of Shakespeare’s plays are bound up in the politics of their time, but at given points in history some have seemed more obviously ‘political’ than others. In this seminar we shall discuss plays that had a particular political dimension in the early modern period and which have changed meanings when performed today. In discussions we shall focus mainly on Richard II, Henry V, Macbeth, Hamlet (which should be read in advance) and there will be allusions to many others (prior knowledge of which is not expected), including Henry VI Part 2, Coriolanus, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, The Merchant of Venice and Sir Thomas More.

Tutor: Dr John O’Connor is Visiting Senior Lecturer at Cornell University, USA, and was formerly Principal Lecturer in English at Westminster College, Oxford. He has also taught at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon.

The English Romantic Poets

The ‘Romantic’ period saw one of the great flowerings of creativity in England, particularly in poetry, alongside a great radicalisation of politics. This course will consider the major poets of the period in their intellectual context, exploring their formal innovations and interests in older traditions, and their new ideas of selfhood and politics. We shall focus on the works of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, and John Keats, with opportunities to explore the works of Walter Scott, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Robinson, John Clare, and others.

Tutor: Dr Tom MacFaul has taught for Oxford University for a number of years and is currently Lecturer in English at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. His research interests extend from the Renaissance/early modern period to the Romantics.

Jane Austen

In this course we shall be reading the work of Jane Austen’s maturity: Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudice; Mansfield Park; Emma; Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. We shall read with close critical attention in order to explore the qualities that have kept those novels among the world's favourite fiction for nearly two hundred years. We shall explore the structure and analyse the style of the six major novels, and extracts (which will be provided) from some of the early works and fragments. We shall focus on the English language of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the narrative voice, focalisers and perspective, irony, dialogue, characterisation, and elements of style such as lexis and syntax.

Dr Sandie Byrne is Associate Professor in English Literature and Creative Writing at Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, and Director of the English Literature Summer School. She is the author of a number of books and articles on nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature.

Victorian Fiction

The great Victorian novelists produced searching analyses of their society, exploring with pathos, passion and humour its often contradictory values - social aspiration, romantic yearning, moral fervour and religious doubt. Dealing with such issues in compelling narratives, Charles Dickens, George Eliot and Thomas Hardy showed how the lives of individuals were enmeshed in the cultural forces of the age. On this course we shall examine three of their masterpieces: Great Expectations, The Mill on the Floss and Tess of the d’Urbervilles. As well as discussing the novels’ central themes, the course will pay close attention to their structure and use of language.

Tutor: Dr David Grylls, Emeritus Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford, is a specialist in Victorian fiction. His publications include books on Charles Dickens, George Gissing and Victorian parent-child relationships. He has lectured widely in the USA as well as Britain, and also in France, Sweden, Italy, Greece and Gibraltar.

Modernist Literature

What is ‘Modernism’? How did writers in the early twentieth century try to ‘make it new’? Using these central questions as a framework for discussion, this lively but intensive course will consider a selection of poetry and prose (by T. S. Eliot, Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce and others), to look in detail at this experimental, daring period of literature.

Tutor: Dr Charlotte Jones is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London, and a former lecturer at St Hilda's College, Oxford. Her research focuses on the novel, literary realism, philosophy and politics.

Contemporary Writing

This course will consider how British and Irish writers have responded to the challenge of the contemporary in the opening decades of the twenty-first century. Through close attention to the relationship between literary form and current events, we will examine the ways that recent authors have shaped their novels, short fiction, poetry, and drama to accommodate and critique the present day. Seminar discussions will range from urgent questions about cultural identity and technology to the present state and infrastructure of the literary landscape. Authors will include: Kazuo Ishiguro, Zadie Smith, Seamus Heaney, and Jez Butterworth.

Tutor: Dr Charlotte Terrell is a Junior Research Fellow at Oxford University who specialises in post-1945 literature and literary culture. Her monograph on aesthetic enchantment and scholarship in contemporary literature is forthcoming.

World Literatures in English

Drawing on diverse traditions as they grapple with local and global contexts, world literatures in English are highly innovative. They push the boundaries of genre, and challenge our preconceptions about the role and form of literature. They also prompt and contribute to debates about contemporary issues, from imperialism and identity, to migration and climate change. We shall engage in the lively discussions within the fields of world literature and postcolonial studies by closely reading three texts from different locations, and different genres: Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions; the anthology New Caribbean Poetry, edited by Kei Miller; and Amitav Ghosh’s work of non-fiction, The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis, which explores the links between climate change and colonialism.

Tutor: Dr Ben Grant is a Departmental Lecturer in English Literature in OUDCE. He has research interests in postcolonial studies, travel literature, the aphorism and other short forms, psychoanalysis, and life-writing. He is currently writing a book on Jenny Diski.




ไทยแปลอังกฤษ แปลภาษาไทย โปรแกรม-แปล-ภาษา-อังกฤษ พร้อม-คำ-อ่าน lmyour แปลภาษา แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย pantip ไทยแปลอังกฤษ ประโยค แอพแปลภาษาอาหรับเป็นไทย ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้าmv ระเบียบกระทรวงการคลังว่าด้วยการจัดซื้อจัดจ้างและการบริหารพัสดุภาครัฐ พ.ศ. 2560 แปลภาษาอาหรับ-ไทย Terjemahan พจนานุกรมศัพท์ทหาร หยน แปลภาษา มาเลเซีย ไทย Bahasa Thailand ข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ พร้อมเฉลย pdf บบบย tor คือ จัดซื้อจัดจ้าง การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 4 ชขภใ ยศทหารบก เรียงลําดับ ห่อหมกฮวกไปฝากป้า หนังเต็มเรื่อง เขียน อาหรับ แปลไทย แปลภาษาอิสลามเป็นไทย Google map กรมพัฒนาฝีมือแรงงาน อบรมออนไลน์ กระบวนการบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ 8 ขั้นตอน ข้อสอบคณิตศาสตร์ พร้อมเฉลย ค้นหา ประวัติ นามสกุล อาจารย์ ตจต แจ้ง ประกาศ น้ำประปาไม่ไหล แปลบาลีเป็นไทย แปลภาษา ถ่ายรูป แปลภาษาจีน แปลภาษามลายู ยาวี โรงพยาบาลภมูพลอดุยเดช ที่อยู่ Google Drive Info TOR คือ กรมพัฒนาฝีมือแรงงาน ช่างไฟฟ้า กรมพัฒนาฝีมือแรงงาน อบรมฟรี 2566 กลยุทธ์ทางการตลาด มีอะไรบ้าง การบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์ มีอะไรบ้าง การประปาส่วนภูมิภาค การ์ดแคปเตอร์ซากุระ ภาค 3 ขขขขบบบยข ่ส ข่าว น้ำประปา วันนี้ ข้อสอบโอเน็ต ม.6 มีกี่ตอน ตารางธาตุ ประปาไม่ไหล วันนี้